In addition to the different output devices which convert electronic impulses to information that can be understood by humans (examples of such human - machine interface devices are headphones, morse code printers, teleprinters, etc.), countless other accessories were used.
These accessories are meticulously listed in the technical regulations which came with the different radio sets. The spectrum of accessories ranges from headphones and morse keys to batteries, cable harnesses, antenna material and artificial antennas, generators, and so on.
Power Supply and Mains Power Supply units
In the early days of wireless telegraphy, most stations were powered by petrol generators or in emergency mode by means of filament and plate batteries or hand oder pedal generators.
In order to generate the plate voltage of valve sets, especially for the high voltages used in transmitters, especially in vehicle or aircraft stations, rotary converters were used.
Only relatively lately, mains power supplies were introduced, after it that mains outlets were available at most troop locations, and soldiers started to use self built mains power supplies intead of working on the pedal generator.
Headphones and Speakers
A large part of the early radio stations had a low AF output power which was intended only to operated with headphones, later, monitor speakers were used. Some early Swiss receivers have the speaker installed in the mains supply unit.
Artificial Antennas
To align a radio transmitter without transmitting radio power over the airwaves, an artificial antenna is used, some of which have been specifically tailored to certain radio equipment.
There are different models and designs, from the simple antenna lamp (with which, it can be controlled if the transmitter radiates RF) to high performance artificial antennas.
Antenna material
For all transmitting and receiving equipment, appropriate antennas must be to receive signals captured by the antenna or to radiate the RF.
Antennas can be constructed in very different ways, from a simple telescopic antenna, remotely operated long distance antennas (to improve comminucations range of small radios) to directional antennas. Transmit antennas must tolerate the corresponding high transmission power. Since suitable matched antennas have a high antenna gain, the communication range can be greatly improved with a well matched transmitting antenna.
Remote Control Units
Several radio stations can be remotely operated, usually remote control is done via simple field telephone lines. In modern systems, also the operation mode and frequency selection can be remotely controlled.
Other Accessories
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